Mushroom ID Workshops

Hey there fungal folks!

The South Sound Mushroom Club is very excited to announce 2 weekends of Mushroom ID Workshops this October and November

The four hour workshops will include a hands on introduction to: 

Other topics of discussion include: 

These events will follow COVID-19 protocols and will be limited to 10 attendees per session. There will be two sessions on each day, Saturday October 10th & Sunday October 11th. The morning session will run from 8am-12pm and the afternoon session will run from 1pm-5pm. Tickets will be $30 per session.

Due to popular demand, the South Sound Mushroom Club will be offering an additional weekend of mushroom identification workshops in November!

We have just added two new sessions November 7th,8th,14th, and 15th  from 10am to 2pm.  Tickets will be $30 per session.

The location for all sessions will be Millersylvania State Park. We will be meeting in a covered picnic area and venturing out as a group to collect specimens that we will later identify together!

Sign up here  - For Club Members Only. Need to become a member? Join SSMC here 

We hope to see you there!