How to know Trees of the Pacific Northwest, An article from Fungi Magazine, written by Chris Herrera and Andy MacKinnon.
Mushroom, The Journal of Wild Mushrooming has made the following articles available to the SSMC for download. Enjoy
Digital Mushroom Applications, by Dianna Smith, originally published Winter-Spring 2011
How to Harvest a Forest, by Larry Evans, originally published Summer 2008
Letters to the Editor in response to "How to Harvest a Forest", by Larry Evans, originally published Spring 2009
The First Time We Saw Mushrooms, by Bob and Barara Sommer, originally published 2004
SSMC Lending Library
The SSMC library includes a collection of books, magazines and DVDs covering many aspects of mushrooming. Most items may be checked out by club members during the monthly meetings.
Many items in the library were donated by club members, please let us know if you have books or other materials that you would like to donate. Also let us know if you have suggestions for items that we should add to our library.
The SSMC library currently includes the following materials:

A great word document template from Eric Chandler for making observations for mycoflora projects : template