From Saucepan to Science: A journey to Understand Genus Cortinarius

Shannon Adams will be presenting "From Saucepan to Science: A Journey to Understand Genus Cortinarius". This talk inspires us all to explore the world of mushrooms in greater depth, whether you are just starting out or have been learning about fungi for years.

Shannon will begin by sharing the basic skills you need to identify Cortinarius and differentiate from edible species. From there, she will delve into the scientific side of things, discussing how community scientists can contribute to fungal taxonomy. This is a great opportunity for those who want to take their mushroom knowledge to the next level and support scientific work being done on fungi.

We hope you will join us for this exciting and educational event!


Shannon Adams is a UX Researcher in the tech industry who has a passion for the genus Cortinarius.  When she emigrated from Australia 20+ years ago she was struck by the diversity and beauty of Cortinarius species she saw in the Washington Cascades, and started trying (and failing) to identify them. For the past 6 years she has been collecting and documenting species in the region and has over 1,000 Cortinarius collections in her personal herbarium. In 2021 she led publication of a new Cortinarius species - Cortinarius rufosanguineus. Whatever your expertise: Shannon is here to inspire you to get out and learn about mushrooms.